ICAPS: Illinois Integrated Education and Training Models One & Two: An Introduction
This webinar recording defines and describes the Integrated Education and Training (IET) model and aligns it to the Illinois Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (ICAPS).
This webinar recording provides a deep dive into the various workforce training models. Although it is specific to Illinois program requirements, the two ICAPS models both align to WIOA requirements, and the webinar includes pertinent WIOA definitions that are applicable to all states.
The resource helps to define the components of the Illinois ICAPS/IET (Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System/Integrated Education and Training) Model One and Model Two in Illinois. Although it is specific to Illinois program requirements, the two ICAPS models both align to WIOA requirements, and the webinar includes pertinent WIOA definitions that are applicable to all states.
A PDF of the webinar slides is available to view and download.
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