Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways

 Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways

What Educators Say

"I found Unit 3 [of the Professional Development Module] extremely informative and thought provoking as I have been wrestling with thoughts regarding how contextualized English curriculum will look and feel in my local district as well as statewide…."

"I appreciated the organization of the module as it presented content in step-by-step method. This approach enables me to clearly see the educational impact, and I can’t wait to share it at our PLC [professional learning community]."

Contextualizing instruction provides English learners with the specific English and technical skills they need to be successful. This suite of resources offers tools, practical ideas, and hands-on strategies for educators who help adult ELLs in preparing for work or training in career pathways.

Issue Brief

This brief describes key considerations for serving adult ELLs in the workforce, suggests models for implementation, and offers practical ideas for contextualizing instruction to career pathways.

PD Module

This interactive, self-paced online module offers approaches, models, and instructional practices for linking immigrants who are not yet proficient in English to jobs and to career and technical training. Learn the following:

  • What is meant by contextualizing English Language Acquisition (ELA) to career pathways
  • Which instructional strategies can help beginning ELLs to be successful
  • How to apply this to your own work context

Companion Learning Resource

This practice-oriented resource illustrates current, effective instructional models for integrating vocational training with academic instruction. It demonstrates key concepts for integrating academic skill development across many ELL levels to assist with learners’ transition to postsecondary education in preparation for work.


Learn about Open Educational Resources (OER), how they can be used in instruction, and how they can enhance student learning.

Study Circle Resources

Study circle resources for Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways are designed for use by professional trainers to enhance participants’ ESL instructional skills. This study circle’s resources include the Facilitators Guide and four assignments (1, 2, 3, 4).

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