High-quality IET programs support students in each phase of programming, from initial recruitment and outreach to transition into employment and postsecondary education. Resources in this section support the provision of wraparound services to address students’ basic needs and the communication of learners’ progress and achievement.
Wraparound Services
The resources in Wraparound Services focus on meeting students’ basic needs and addressing logistical barriers throughout students’ participation in an IET program and career pathway.
Career Navigators in Adult Education
Mathematica (2023)
This brief provides insights from exploratory research into the role of career navigators. Career navigators are full- or part-time staff who provide informational services to help learners explore careers and identify needed skills and education for those careers. Navigators also address the challenges that adult learners face as they navigate transitions to the workforce and/or to further education and training. The resource highlights the competencies required for career navigators, considerations for hiring, and strategies for supporting and training them to aid adult learners in career and college planning.
A Resource Guide for College/Career Navigators or Those Interested in Starting a Navigator Program
Aspen Institute Workforce Strategies Initiative (2014)
This resource guide is intended to help current navigators, managers or supervisors of navigators, and those considering a career as a college or career navigator. The compilation of resources includes comprehensive guidebooks, resources focused on specific steps navigators take to engage and support students, and resources for supporting community colleges in thinking about using metrics and data tracking to measure the effectiveness of their navigator services.
What We Know about Nonacademic Student Supports
Community College Research Center (2013)
This is a research overview of the theoretical and empirical literature on non-academic supports and four central mechanisms by which non-academic support services appear to promote student success: (1) creating social relationships, (2) clarifying aspirations and enhancing commitment, (3) developing college know-how, and (4) making college life feasible.
Nurturing and Nudging Adult Learners through Text Messaging: Final Report from the Technology-Based Coaching in Adult Education (TBCAE) Project
Abt Associates (2022)
This publication provides information about the implementation of and findings from the Technology-Based Coaching in Adult Education (TBCAE) project.
Student Progress and Achievement
The resources in Student Progress and Achievement support the communication of learner progress and achievement for all phases of an IET program.
IET Strategies in Action
American Institutes for Research (2024)
This video shares new research on promising IET practices and strategies that serve diverse learners in a variety of settings. Presenters emphasize strategies that extend career pathways and align with postsecondary education, along with practices that support beginning learners. Panelists share their experience and insights gained, providing real-world examples and practical knowledge.
Popular Credential Programs Should Include Markers of Quality
Lumina Foundation (2023)
This resource emphasizes the importance of incorporating quality markers in popular noncredit credential programs. The blog post discusses the need for job market relevance, stackability, a balance of theory and practice in instruction, and essential student support services to ensure these programs effectively promote social mobility and meet labor market demands.
A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (2017)
This guide addresses topics related to facilitating a seamless transition from school to post-school activities to ensure young adults with disabilities are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be engaged in the 21st century workforce.
Promising Practices for Integrated Education and Training Programs That Serve Beginning-Level Learners
American Institutes for Research (2023)
This publication describes how two strategies – bridge programs and stackable credentials – help beginning-level learners access and succeed in IET programs.
SUNY Micro-Credentialing Taskforce Report and Recommendations
The State University of New York (SUNY) (2018)
This report stems from a SUNY task force effort to review current literature and the growing national dialogue on micro‐credentials and make recommendations for the SUNY system. It describes evidence‐based promising practices and ongoing efforts across many colleges and state systems to define and translate micro‐credentials, examines the practical application of micro-credentials across SUNY’s 64 campuses, and provides recommendations to enable campuses to more effectively support student access to and success in employment through micro-credentialing.
Opportunities for Success: Student Stories of the I-BEST and Opportunity Grant Programs at Work at Washington State Community
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
This booklet provides 31 student testimonials from participants in Washington’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) and Opportunity Grant programs.
Integrated Basic Education Skills and Training (I-BEST) Intervention Report
National Center for Education Evaluation at the Institute of Education Sciences (2020)
This Institute of Education Sciences and What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report reviews 12 evidence-based studies of Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) models to assess the statistical significance of their effects on U.S.-based education and labor market outcomes. Looking at studies that met WWC standards and the Postsecondary Career and Technical Education topic area protocol, the report concludes that I-BEST had a range of statistically significant positive effects on outcomes such as credential attainment, short-term employment, and short-term earnings.