Who should use these resources?
Resources on this website were developed for teachers of adult ELLs, program administrators, professional development specialists, policy makers, and researchers. When used by teams of educators, working together, the benefits are magnified and can be made systemic.
What kind of team might use these resources?
Teams can be constituted in many ways. For example:
- A state team led by the state adult education professional development lead that includes teachers from across the state who will take what they learned back to their programs. Statewide teams could form a community of practice in which the state lead might use the resources as the basis for discussion about what works, to help teachers with planning and problem solving. The focus of the state teams’ work is implementation of new practices, reflection, and then refinement of practice.
- A program team led by the local adult education program’s administrator that includes teachers from within the program. Local teams would form professional learning communities or participate in a study circle to discuss how using the materials might lead to new practices.
How can teams use these resources?
ESL Pro now offers study circle materials for each suite, including a Facilitator Guide and assignments for participants. For more information on the specific materials and their applications, visit the ESL Pro suites.
How can individual practitioners work with these materials?
- The resources on this site offer solutions to challenges that you face every day. Want to provide extra practice for a student? There is a resource for that. Have specific topics or needs? There are many resources from which to choose. Best of all, these resources are time savers. You can focus on meeting student needs and identifying relevant resources, rather than spending time creating resources.
- One of the greatest benefits of working in a team is the opportunity to collaborate, discuss, and share with others. If you don’t have others in your program or state to work with, don’t worry. You can gain a similar experience by joining a community of learners via the LINCS Communities of Practice and participating in discussions with other practitioners there.
- Join discussions on Meeting the Language Needs of Today’s English Language Learners
- Join discussions on Integrating Digital Literacy into English Language Instruction
- Join discussions on Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways
Where do you start?
The briefs offer outstanding introductions to each of the three topics and provide the evidence-based background information that educators need to make the most of the LINCS ESL Pro professional development modules and companion learning resources.
Which brief you start with will depend on what you want to know, so the first thing to do is select a topic:
- Looking to improve student outcomes? Consider starting with the Meeting the Language Needs of Today’s English Language Learner suite.
- Want to build the capacity of your ESL professional development system? Check out the Integrating Digital Literacy Into English Language Instruction section.
- Focusing on career pathways? Try the Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways section.
Can you focus on more than one topic?
It is highly recommended that you focus on just one topic at a time. By focusing on only one topic at a time, you can concentrate your efforts. The three topics are complementary, so once you are done with your first topic, you will see that it is easy to move on to the next topic and apply some of what you have already learned.
How do you learn more about these topics?
Each resource in the suites of materials (whether a brief, online module or companion learning resource) includes additional readings, references, and links to supplemental resources that provide multiple opportunities for deeper learning.
How have others used the resources?
Each classroom, program, and state is different, so the LINCS ESL Pro resources were created to be highly adaptable. Ten states piloted the resources, adapting their use to meet each state’s specific needs and context:
- Despite the distance between them, users in one state created a lesson study based on the resources. They developed a lesson plan together; one teacher taught the lesson while others observed, and then they debriefed and revised the lesson plan.
- One state created seven successful, site-based communities of practice centered on the resources.
- One state identified individuals who would act as their "digital literacy champions." These individuals were trained on how to use the materials as well as on how to help others use the materials. These champions are leading efforts to integrate digital literacy into their programs.
- Users in one state act as ambassadors who participate in webinars to highlight best practices within regions, present at state conferences, make policy recommendations, and serve as a sounding board as the state develops ELL policies.